ObjectView™ allows you to import multiple Web services into its unique drag and
drop environment with a few clicks. Web service components are represented as graphical
objects, which you use like building blocks to create complex applications and tools.
Your applications and tools can then be deployed as a single Web service to a choice
of different platforms.
ObjectView is a fast, flexible, and functional way to build customized applications
and tools that can interoperate, communicate, and integrate across operating systems,
networks, and software.
ObjectView provides the intelligence to simplify your solution:
- Fast - import Web service components into the drag and drop environment
- Flexible - graphically connect objects together to create a data flow scenario
- Functional - run and deploy your scenario as a Web service on the platform of
your choice
ObjectView offers speed and responsiveness - what you need to stay on top of your
changing needs.
By cultivating best practices from a number of engagements, we have created consistent
implementation strategies that not only ensures a successful implementation, but
also a satisfying experience for our clients.
By combining Cypresslogic products with the expertise of our Professional Services
applications, databases and Windows infrastructure experts, you can get more from
your IT investment. Once the project is complete, you can count on Cypresslogic
for world-class support and training throughout the life of your solutions.